Theme 6 information

For Organisations

Trusting, Supported & Aligned Teams Make Good Business Sense
Pre-pandemic workplaces and organizations are changing and so are employees. Wellbeing in the workplace has become more important as organisations and teams face a new set of challenges (on top of the old ones) as we all adapt to new workplace dynamics.

Successful teams are hallmarked by strong levels of trust, communication and a collective responsibility for success. A key objective of your organisation is to develop and enhance your team's ability to become more adaptable, resilient and effective. By partnering with your organisational teams we will co-create a breakthrough in performance and impact by developing your teams skills to focus on achieving team and organisational goals.

As a coaching psychologist, positive psychology practitioner and an educator I am passionate about sharing my knowledge in all things relating to personal and professional development. I provide a variety of wellbeing programmes, group coaching and mentoring programmes and workshops on a wide variety of subjects relating to wellbeing and personal development.

How I Help Teams

By partnering with your organisational teams, we begin that journey of self-discovery to becoming a high performing impactful team achieving meaningful organisational goals. By analysing the needs of the team, we then agree upon the specific follow up activities.

Team Coaching

The team coaching journey supports your teams to work better together, with others and within their wider environment.

This journey includes analysing the needs of the team and then agreeing upon the specific follow up activities. These can include building psychological safety & trust within your team, developing and nurturing your team’s positive wellbeing, (re)connecting with its purpose and identifying and building on team strengths to achieve team and organisational goals. 
Enquire About Team Coaching

Wellbeing Programs & Workshops

In developing my programmes, group coaching & mentoring programmes and workshops I research the latest thinking and findings from the fascinating fields of Positive Psychology, Coaching Psychology (and others) utilising evidence-based knowledge and practices that allow us to flourish. 

These programmes and workshops include topics such as meaningful goal-setting, connecting with your values, stress management, strengths development, resilience, wellbeing at work, mindset, self-care, career development. 

According to current scientific research benefits of these programmes include improved psychological wellbeing, performance, resilience and engagement. Through the learning delivered in these programmes people develop a healthier positive mindset supporting them to reduce and manage stress, anxiety and burnout. Investing time, energy and money in a person’s wellbeing can have a positive impact on all aspects of one’s life at home and at work. 

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Masterclasses & Programs