Spring Clean your Goals

Spring is finally beginning to spring and I’m getting a real sense of longer, brighter days as trees are coming into bud, daffodils are beginning to show and the countryside is coming alive with the noise of new life (including hundreds of frogs!!) 

Winter and spring are two very different seasons, and they have very distinct energies. Moving out of the restful and reflective energy of winter where typically everything feels more subdued and introspective. As the days are shorter, and the weather is often cold, wet and grey we tend to spend more time indoors, reflecting on what’s working in our lives and what needs to change. Winter can be a time to slow down, rest, and recharge for the new year ahead. It is the natural time to finish projects, In contrast, spring is a time of renewal, new beginnings and growth. The days get longer, the weather warms up, and the world wakes up. People tend to feel more energized and inspired, as they take advantage of the longer days and the increasing sunlight. Spring can be a time to set new goals or review the ones we made on January 1st as these can often be a list of ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’ that reflect our overindulgence and over-doing that often comes with the Christmas season. 

So, let’s look at our plans for 2023 - we have most of the year’s glorious months ahead so ask yourself what would you like to have achieved by the end of the year? What type of person would you like to be by Christmas next year? Before we start re-creating another list of shoulds and musts let’s take some help from positive psychology! Goal setting is a core concept in positive psychology! The science of positive psychology emphasises the importance of setting meaningful achievable goals that will enhance your personal development, resilience and achievement in your life. By setting and striving towards goals aligned with your values and strengths you can develop your sense of purpose and accomplishment leading to greater wellbeing and life satisfaction. When setting goals, it is vital that they are connected to your Why in life i.e., what is deeply important to you and to how you see yourself in the future. Also, to focus on the how i.e., how you are going to achieve your goal, what your potential obstacles could be and how you can use your strengths and previous successes to overcome those obstacles. There are many effective goal setting techniques around and one technique that I use a lot is the SMART technique (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). 

So, let’s do a spring-clean on our goals for the year ahead 

1. Identify your values and priorities: 

Reflect on what matters most to you in your life, what you want to achieve, and why. (If you are not sure what your values are refer to previous blog on how to identify your core values.) 

2. Identify what you want to achieve in key areas of your life

For example, your Career, Health, Finance, Relationships, Hobbies, Fun etc 

3. Clearly define what you want to accomplish in each area. 

4. Write them down! 

People that do not record their goals have forgotten them by this time next month! Writing down your goals makes them more real and tangible and helps you keep track of your progress. 5. Write in the first person, be positive and focus on no more than 5 key goals at a time. 

6. Make them SMART: 

a. Specific - clearly defined 

b. Measurable - quantifiable 

c. Achievable - realistic 

d. Relevant -meaningful 

e. Time-bound - have a deadline. 

7. Divide your larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps. 

This will help you stay motivated and make progress towards your goal. 

8. Create a plan of action. 

Identify the specific actions you need to take to achieve your goal. Break these down into specific tasks and timelines. 

9. Stay accountable. 

Share your goal with one or two trusted others and ask for their support in achieving it. Consider working with a coach or an accountability partner to help you stay on track. Consider working with a coach or an accountability partner to help you stay on track. 

10. Review and revise. 

Regularly review your progress and adjust your plan as needed. Celebrate your successes and learn from your setbacks. 

Good luck and if you would like the help of a qualified accredited coach book a free 30 min coaching discovery session 


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