5 Tips for People Who Want To Boost Their Wellbeing At Work

Are you happy at work these days or do you dread every Monday and race desperately to each weekend? How much energy do you have at work and for the office dynamics? Do you feel invigorated and engaged or down and disengaged?

Striving to be happy at work is a common goal for individuals everywhere. Many scientific studies have shown that happy employees are more productive, engaged, motivated, and resilient in many aspects of their lives.  And you might wonder why is wellbeing (rather than salary, job-title etc) linked to successful outcomes? The research confirms that when we feel positive and well, we think, feel and act in ways that create more success for us becoming more solution-focused and resourceful!  And I do understand the dilemma of how can you be happy or even have the energy to be happier when you are genuinely feeling stressed, exhausted, and miserable from work?  The truth is - it can be hard. It takes time, energy and commitment to develop habits and skills to boost your wellbeing, but you do have some control. Utilising some evidence-based interventions from Positive Psychology to enhance your wellbeing and happiness at work is a good place to start.

First things first!

Develop a growth mindset for happiness. This means believing we can develop and impact our wellbeing and happiness.  Taking the time to reflect and take responsibility for what’s within our control and what is not is crucial. 

5 tips to boost your wellbeing at work

1. Positive Emotion:

When we feel happier, we function better! Gratitude is one of the most researched positive emotions and according to numerous studies, completing this exercise each day over 1 week develops positive emotions, relationships and optimism. We also experience less stress, anger and fatigue. Remember, there are many things in our lives, big and small, to be grateful for. Focusing on what you do have rather than what is lacking in your life has been proven to significantly boost your mood in less than a month

Activity: Count your blessings.

What three things are you grateful for / have appreciation for today and why. It might be as simple as your health, your morning coffee or that nice chat you had with a work colleague.

2. Engagement:

Research shows that people who apply their key strengths at work report increased productivity, energy and ‘flow’ whilst experiencing less negativity. Studies also show that people unknowingly pursue goals and careers that resonate with their key strengths becoming frustrated and unhappy when they don’t.

Activity: Recognise your key strengths and use them intentionally at work

None of us love naming our strengths, so ask someone that knows you well to name 3 things that you are ‘great at’ (home or work)?  Ask yourself how can I apply these strengths more purposefully at work?

(Refer to (https://www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu/testcenter for free online assessment)

3. Relationships:

Humans are built to belong. Science shows that intentionally nurturing.  Work relationships significantly influence our wellbeing.  One survey shows that 40% of its respondents named their colleagues as the top reason they enjoy their work. 

Activity: Reflect on who positively energises you at work and how you impact others too.

How can you cultivate more positive relationships? 

4. Meaning:

When work is connected to meaningful life goals that are bigger than just us, we are happier, healthier and more resilient.  

ActivityReflect on why you are doing this work.

Does your career support your life goals?  Does it resonate with your core values and purpose? What is the impact of your work? When people see how their efforts have a genuine impact on the lives of others work becomes more rewarding. 

5. Accomplishment:

Gaining mastery and feeling accomplished at work is key to your wellbeing at work. Celebrating small ‘journey’ wins is a more sustainable source of happiness than waiting for final goal-achievement.  

ActivityWhen was the last time you acknowledged and felt proud of yours/ other work accomplishments?

What small thing could you do to acknowledge these achievements and success?  


Boosting our positive emotions and our connectedness to others, our life purpose, key strengths and accomplishments not only positively impacts our wellbeing at work but those around us too!



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